Mastering Amazon EFS Replication: Ensuring Business Continuity with Cross-Regional File System Replication

Amazon EFS Replication offers a valuable solution for ensuring business continuity and facilitating efficient disaster recovery planning. Businesses can significantly improve their recovery process and maintain resilience in a cloud-based environment by understanding how to configure, monitor, and manage EFS Replication.

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Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a fully managed file storage service that provides simple, scalable, and low-latency performance for applications running on EC2 instances, AWS Lambda functions, and containers. Introduced in 2015, EFS has grown in popularity due to its ability to scale to thousands of concurrent clients and connections. One essential aspect of modern cloud-based applications is maintaining business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

Last year, Amazon Web Services introduced a new feature called Amazon EFS Replication, enabling organizations to meet their disaster recovery needs with cross-regional and intra-regional file system replication. In this blog post, I will expand the article I wrote as an introduction to when AWS launched the feature, and I will deep dive into Amazon EFS Replication functionality, configuration, monitoring, and handling failover scenarios during disaster recovery.

Understanding Amazon EFS Replication

Amazon EFS Replication enables businesses to automatically maintain a current copy of their file system in a different AWS Region or within the same AWS Region. This feature can be used for both cross-regional replication and intra-regional replication, covering various disaster recovery scenarios.

The replication process automatically synchronizes changes in the source file system to the destination file system. It maintains an overall recovery point objective (RPO) of 15 minutes for most file systems, ensuring that most changes are replicated within a minute. Additionally, the recovery time objective (RTO) is designed to provide fast recovery in case of a disaster.

When using EFS Replication, it is essential to be aware of the data transfer fees associated with cross-region and intra-region replication and the regular EFS storage rates for the original and replica file systems. These costs might vary depending on which AWS Regions you are replicating between.

Configuring Amazon EFS Replication

Before setting up Amazon EFS Replication, you must ensure that you have the necessary permissions configured for your AWS account. You will need permissions to create a service-linked role and perform actions related to replication configurations and file systems in Amazon EFS.

To configure Amazon EFS Replication, you can use the AWS Console, AWS CLI, or AWS APIs. Start by selecting an existing EFS file system or creating a new one. Then, define the replication configuration options, such as storage class, AWS Region, and encryption settings. Remember to consider the availability and durability of your replicated file system by choosing either Standard Storage Classes or One Zone storage classes.

For those who prefer using Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) tools (like me), Amazon EFS Replication can also be configured using Terraform or CloudFormation.

Monitoring Replication Status and Performance

Monitoring the status and performance of your Amazon EFS Replication is crucial for ensuring business continuity. You can use the AWS Console, AWS CLI, API, and Amazon CloudWatch to monitor when the last successful sync occurred and access various replication properties and metrics.

In Amazon CloudWatch, the TimeSinceLastSync metric provides valuable insight into the time elapsed since the last successful sync was completed. Understanding the replication states and the meaning behind different properties will help you effectively monitor your replication performance and take necessary actions if any issues arise.

Handling Failover and Disaster Recovery Scenarios

In case of a disaster, you might need to failover to the replica EFS file system. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the replication rule from either the source or destination file system.

  2. Transform the read-only destination file system into a writable one, which can be used in the recovery process.

It is essential to understand that mounting a destination file system is subject to some limitations during replication since it is read-only during part of a replication configuration.

To ensure seamless failover and recovery, consider automating the process using AWS services such as AWS Lambda functions, and follow best practices to avoid potential challenges and complications.

Use Case: Simplifying Disaster Recovery with EFS Replication

Consider a scenario where you are running a containerized application on Amazon ECS Fargate and are using a shared EFS file system across several containers. Before the availability of EFS Replication, your disaster recovery process might have involved scheduled backups, uploading the backups to S3, replicating them to another AWS Region, and restoring them when needed. EFS Replication streamlines this workflow by automatically replicating the data within approximately 15 minutes, reducing operational overhead, and improving your RTO and RPO.

Amazon EFS Replication Limitations and Future Developments

Although Amazon EFS Replication is a powerful feature, it has some limitations to consider. Planning for large-scale implementations and understanding EFS Replication’s scalability is essential. As AWS continually improves its services, we can expect new enhancements and features for EFS Replication in the future.


Amazon EFS Replication offers a valuable solution for ensuring business continuity and facilitating efficient disaster recovery planning. Businesses can significantly improve their recovery process and maintain resilience in a cloud-based environment by understanding how to configure, monitor, and manage EFS Replication. Take the time to explore and implement Amazon EFS Replication to enhance your organization’s disaster recovery strategy.

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